.. highlight:: rest :mod:`sphinx.ext.ifconfig` -- Include content based on configuration ==================================================================== .. module:: sphinx.ext.ifconfig :synopsis: Include documentation content based on configuration values. This extension is quite simple, and features only one directive: .. directive:: ifconfig Include content of the directive only if the Python expression given as an argument is ``True``, evaluated in the namespace of the project's configuration (that is, all registered variables from :file:`conf.py` are available). For example, one could write :: .. ifconfig:: releaselevel in ('alpha', 'beta', 'rc') This stuff is only included in the built docs for unstable versions. To make a custom config value known to Sphinx, use :func:`~sphinx.application.Sphinx.add_config_value` in the setup function in :file:`conf.py`, e.g.:: def setup(app): app.add_config_value('releaselevel', '', True) The second argument is the default value, the third should always be ``True`` for such values (it selects if Sphinx re-reads the documents if the value changes).